Merging Digital with Food and HACCP Inspection

Since the introduction of smartphones and tablets few years ago, the role of the mobile device has steadily increased from toys and gadgets used by early adopters to every day productivity tools deployed by organisations that aim to improve their work force productivity. Automation has become an important aspect of food safety inspections and many …

Food Inspecting with ISO 22000 and Paperless Inspection

The 2018 edition brings further clarification for food safety management systems worldwide, helping companies continuously improve their operational processes. The new edition standard contains requirements for any organisation in the food chain and sets out a clear method of successful management. By thorough identification, prevention and reduction, companies and organisations can minimise the effect of …

Keeping a lid on Dangers with Digital Fire Inspection

95% of all fires are deemed extinguishable if the correct fire extinguisher is applied promptly in the situation. The frightening statistic that only 13% of people are aware of the differences in applying them raises many questions. The best combatant for workplace fires is through proper education and thorough inspection. The best way to do …

Improving Australian Fire Inspection through Digital Prevention and Protection

Digital inspection solutions provide the best system to carry out a comprehensive fire inspection and testing. Via a paperless inspection platform, inspection officers and field personnel can monitor and check fire prevention materials, warning methods or fire handling systems such as hydrants or extinguishers. To assist inspection, employees can use features of mobile devices such …