Asset maintenance through Digital CMMS

It is estimated that currently more than two thirds of Australia’s population own a smartphone in 2017. It’s now up to organisations to optimise their mobile devices and train employees to use them as a tool to stay competitive in business. One area that organisations can leverage the smartphone culture is in asset and equipment …

Why a CMMS can Transform your work

A CMMS can transform the way you inspect due to the natural pairing with other digital devices. Inspection using mobile devices can feed data instantaneously to the CMMS brain, and allow inspectors to use mobile devices in the form of smartphones or tablets for an inspection. This reduces repeat data entry and raises the quality …

Retail Stock Inspection and Inventory Management using Mobile Devices

For retail, stock inspection and inventory management is key to effectively keeping on top of the net flow of products through the organisation. This can give a good indicator as to whether a business is running efficiently or whether there are areas of future improvement. Many organisations across industries who perform some form of stock …

Distribution and Logistics Inspection through Paperless Solutions

Work orders can be distributed remotely to inspectors, whilst automated corrective actions can be set up for employees to reduce the time lag between issue discovery and mitigation. Maintenance teams benefit from the information sharing and analysis of data as the insights can inform the best course of action for vehicles or equipment management. Whilst …