Keeping a lid on Dangers with Digital Fire Inspection

95% of all fires are deemed extinguishable if the correct fire extinguisher is applied promptly in the situation. The frightening statistic that only 13% of people are aware of the differences in applying them raises many questions. The best combatant for workplace fires is through proper education and thorough inspection. The best way to do …

Improving Australian Fire Inspection through Digital Prevention and Protection

Digital inspection solutions provide the best system to carry out a comprehensive fire inspection and testing. Via a paperless inspection platform, inspection officers and field personnel can monitor and check fire prevention materials, warning methods or fire handling systems such as hydrants or extinguishers. To assist inspection, employees can use features of mobile devices such …

Winter Inspections using Digital Applications

Whilst many organisations operate out of office buildings, there are usually assets and equipment that have to withstand colder temperatures and inclement weather. For this reason, its important to understand how to adapt to colder periods in your inspections. The top way that businesses are easily shifting over to winter inspection checklists is using paperless …

Property Inspection using Digital Applications

This can mean inspecting it so that your business does not need to invest in repairs or as part of a pre-leasing rental agreement with a potential tenant. Letting a property for a tenant or performing mandatory building inspections follows the same basic principles of pre-use or within-use checks. Buildings need to adhere to legal …